Child Development

Child development is about how children gain skills and abilities. There are several areas of development that parents can focus on to see how their child is developing. View the table below outlining the areas of child development.

Areas of development

Areas of development Description Examples
Physical Fine motors skills (development of small musclesin hand and fingers)

Gross motor skills (development of large muscles,body, neck, arms and legs)
Threading beads

Colouring with crayons
Intellectual Thinking and problem solving skills Counting
Understands rules
Language /

Learning to speak

Using symbols to communicate
Learning new vocabulary.

Asking questions
Emotional Confidence
Expression of feelings
Cries when toy is snatched
Social Interacting with other children and adults Making friends
Taking turns
Shares toys

To understand how well your child is developing, parents need to consider their child's age and the stage of development that they are at. The stage of development is what a child can do at a certain age. To identify the stage of development, parents can refer to the developmental milestone.

Developmental milestones are a set of standards that measures the progress of child's development. For example, the average age at which a child learns to crawl, walk, talk and speak. Take note that developmental norms are not carved in stones and is based on average statistics.

Note that the developmental every child is unique, whilst the pattern of development is the same for all children, the pace and rate is different. There are a range of factors that can influence child's development, for example: diet, sleep, environment and stimulation.

Developmental norms can be used to determine whether child is developing normally. If you find that your child has not quite reached the expected stage of development, then you can focus in promoting that particular area of development. if there are significant delays in development, then parents can seek early intervention.If child is maturing fast, then parent can set challenging tasks to facilitate child into the next stage.

Click below to see:

Stages of child development

Film: How I can support my baby's early development